How to Apply Permaculture to your Garden |
Permaculture is a concept of permanent agriculture. Permaculture focuses on growing plants in an eco-friendly manner. In other words, it is sustainable agriculture where you utilize natural wind, soil, water, etc. for growing organic crops. Permaculture helps you reduce the carbon footprint while providing you healthy organically grown food options. Applying permaculture to your already existing garden is not very complicated. But, it requires immaculate planning. Tips for applying permaculture to your garden:Design your Garden Choose the Plants You can use these principles to design your garden. This will enable you to stack several plants in limited space in your garden. Also, it is important to choose plants that benefit each other when grown together. You can plant crops that stimulate the growth of other crops, make your plants resistant to pests and disease. Certain plants attract pests protecting your crops from them. Having predator animals such as frogs, lizards, etc. also helps avoid pests in the garden. Besides, certain plants attract beneficial insects such as pollinators. Water Distribution Preparing the Soil
Adopt these easy to follow principles and cultivate your permaculture garden and enjoy organic products of your very own garden! |